Welcome to Day 6 of Bear’s Advent Calendar! Are you ready to #ShareWithBear?
This week we have celebrated our in-person SMS:F2F Programme and our online SMS:CONNECT Programme. for Day 6, Bear wanted to celebrate our SMS:HUB! The SMS:HUB is open for any child or young person who has completed one of our SMS Programmes. We sometimes work with other organisations, have health and wellbeing boosters and it gives us the chance to all stay in touch!
Bear had a lot of fun joining in with HUB activities! “I loved the Halloween HUB where we made crafty pumpkins and monsters! We always make sure to play lots of fun games and an SMS:HUB wouldn’t be complete without a scavenger hunt!”
Let us know on Facebook and Twitter what spooky activities you got up to this Halloween 2022. #ShareWithBear
Come back tomorrow for Day 7 of our advent calendar to see what else Bear and Children’s Health Scotland got up to in 2022!