Today we’ve released the latest e-news. You can read more about our plans for 2025 including our forthcoming health and wellbeing Programmes, fundraising, our Care Experienced Workshops for kinship carers and news on the exciting new book we’ve just published with 5-year-old Sandy called ‘Sandy Meets The Teddy Hospital‘.
News and Events
Five-year old SANDY releases new health rights book on Human Rights Day
A lot of children, and even some adults, find getting their blood taken to be quite challenging. Five-year-old Sandy was certainly anxious before discovering some helpful techniques to relax and get ready for the procedure. He decided to share everything he learned, and went through, in a new book titled “Sandy Meets the Teddy Hospital.” […]
My Health, My Rights: Advocating for children’s health rights
In collaboration with the ALLIANCE, we have published a podcast discussing our My Health, My Rights children and young people’s Charter.
‘Landmark legal case’ may give daughter right to bring anxiety dog to school
MSN is reporting on an article by Simon Johnson, Scottish Political Editor with The Telegraph about a schoolgirl who has won a “landmark legal case” which her parents believe will allow her to bring her dog into school to help with her anxiety. A family had claimed that the golden retriever should have been able […]
Research highlights the need for increased support for Scotland’s kinship families
For the first time, a body of data about Scotland’s children and young people with experience of care has been brought together to better understand the picture of kinship care in Scotland. The information is in the report – Growing Up in Kinship Care – published in October by CELCIS, the Centre for Excellence for […]
The health and wellbeing of children is at the heart of new Strategic Plan 2024-30
The health and wellbeing of children and young people and their right to the best possible health lies at the heart of the new Strategic Plan, launched by Children’s Health Scotland at their AGM held in October 2024. Covering the period 2024-2030, the plan sets out how the charity will move forward from their present […]
Number of foster care households in Scotland continues to decrease
The number of foster care households and of approved adoptions in Scotland has continued to decrease, according to a report by the Care Inspectorate.
Trustee recruitment
Are you passionate about supporting the right of every child to the best possible health? Children’s Health Scotland is the leading children’s health charity in Scotland and we are currently recruiting for new Trustees.
My Health, My Rights Parliamentary Reception
Thanks so much for inviting me! Young people like us don’t get a chance to be in Parliament often and have people listen to our words, so it’s been great seeing it. I’ve never been in the Parliament before. Lyall, 15
Launch of the One Good Adult Job Description
When young people are asked what helped them to cope with life’s challenges, they often talk about good adults who believed in and supported them and say these sorts of adults made an important and positive difference to how their lives turned out.