The health and wellbeing of all children and young people in Scotland and their right to the best possible health, lies at the heart of the work of Children’s Health Scotland. We provide health and wellbeing support Programmes directly to children and young people with health conditions and to Foster and Kinship Carers. We’re the only charity in Scotland dedicated to informing, promoting, and campaigning on the healthcare needs and rights of all children and young people with health conditions and we work directly with children and young people, and those who love and care for them including families, carers, educators, and health professionals.
We inform children and young people, parents and carers of their rights and responsibilities, where to access information and support and what they should expect from health service providers. We empower parents and carers to participate in decisions about the treatment and care of their children. We supply information, resources, and support with the aim of helping families access the best possible healthcare.
Children’s Health Scotland is an independent organisation and so is not part of any health board or hospital. We can give impartial information on any aspect of children’s and young people’s healthcare. This sometimes involves signposting enquirers to other organisations as sources of help.