We use the EACH Charter to promote the healthcare rights of children and young people in Scotland. We deliver workshops, presentations, and talks on the EACH Charter and the healthcare rights of children and young people. These are available for parents, carers and health professionals which in the past have included nursing students, hospital play specialists and nursery nurses.
We have produced an EACH poster, which illustrates the ten Charter articles, and also a Young People’s EACH Charter, in conjunction with young people, which includes their interpretation of the Charter points. These can be ordered from our Head Office on 0131 553 6553. We encourage all NHS Boards to disseminate the EACH Charter to their staff. The Charter is recommended by the Scottish Government in ‘Delivering a Healthy Future: An Action Framework for Children and Young People in Scotland’ as a standard against which NHS Boards can assess their Child Health Services.
- Children shall be admitted to hospital only if the care they require cannot be equally well provided at home or on a day basis.
Relates to UNCRC Article 24
- Children in hospital shall have the right to have their parents or parent substitute with them at all times.
Relates to UNCRC Articles 3; 9; 18
- Accommodation should be offered to all parents and they should be helped and encouraged to stay. Parents should not need to incur additional costs or suffer loss of income.
Relates to UNCRC Articles 3; 9; 18
- Children and parents shall have the right to be informed in a manner appropriate to age and understanding.
Relates to UNCRC Articles 5; 12; 18
- Children and parents have the right to informed participation in all decisions involving their healthcare.
Relates to UNCRC Articles 5; 12; 17
- Children shall be cared for together with children who have the same developmental needs and shall not be admitted to adult wards.
Relates to UNCRC Article 3;
- Children shall have full opportunity for play, recreation and education suited to their age and condition and shall be in an environment designed and furnished, staffed and equipped to meet their needs.
Relates to UNCRC Articles 3; 29; 31
- Children shall be cared for by staff whose training and skills enable them to respond to the physical, emotional and developmental needs of children and families.
Relates to UNCRC Article 2; 19; 25
- Continuity of care should be ensured by the team caring for children.
Relates to UNCRC Article 19
- Children shall be treated with tact and understanding and their privacy shall be respected at all times.
Relates to UNCRC Articles 16; 19; 29; 30
All illustrations: © PEF and EACH
To view the full annotated version of the Charter visit www.each-for-sick-children.org. Copies can be ordered from Children’s Health Scotland on 0131 553 6553.
To find out more about children’s rights visit www.togetherscotland.org.uk