Are you passionate about supporting the right of every child to the best possible health? Children’s Health Scotland is the leading children’s health charity in Scotland and we are currently recruiting for new Trustees.
Every child has the right to the best possible health
As the leading children’s health charity in Scotland, the health and wellbeing of children and young people lie at the heart of what we do. We are the only charity in Scotland dedicated to informing, promoting and campaigning on the healthcare needs and rights of all children and young people.
Are you passionate about supporting the right of every child to the best possible health? Children’s Health Scotland is the leading children’s health charity in Scotland and we are currently recruiting for new Trustees.
Thanks so much for inviting me! Young people like us don’t get a chance to be in Parliament often and have people listen to our words, so it’s been great seeing it. I’ve never been in the Parliament before. Lyall, 15
We help families access the best possible healthcare by providing information, resources and support to:
A FREE e-learning resource that promotes a greater understanding of the healthcare rights and needs of children and young people and their families.