Our Vision
Is for every child and young person in Scotland to realise their right to best quality healthcare.
Our Mission
We make sure children and young people get the treatment they need.
Our Values
We have five main personality attributes that influence our work:
We act as ambassadors within our sector by continually driving awareness of children’s health rights in Scotland. We believe in the rights of children and young people as enshrined in the UNCRC and in the EACH Charter and are committed to their promotion within the healthcare system.
We are friendly and approachable, engaging with children and young people and our key stakeholders, encouraging collaborative networks, and creating effective partnerships with key organisations.
We exist to make sure young people get treated well and are safe and will challenge when necessary to protect their healthcare rights. We work to empower children and young people to identify and articulate their needs and we tailor our services accordingly.
We offer expertise and information on the healthcare rights of children, young people and families.
We aim to be skilled and professional in our approach to our work.