For more than 20 years, October has been recognized as Health Literacy Month. Hosted by the Institute for Healthcare Advancement, Health Literacy Month is a time of international observance when many organisations, such as hospitals, libraries, and charities work together to spread health literacy.
The theme this year is “Building Awareness through Action”. The Health Literacy Month website states: “We urge you to move health literacy awareness to health literacy action! It is our collective health literacy actions that build bridges between organizations and people needing health care or services. Our bridges provide a safe road over the many challenges and barriers that may result in harm. Our collective efforts will lead to a more equitable world whereby all people can access high quality care and attain positive health outcomes.”
Children’s Health Scotland provides expertise and information to children and young people, families, carers, educators, and health professionals. We have many guides, leaflets, books and other resources for anyone aiming to learn more about children’s health and rights.
We especially care about making this information accessible to as many people as possible, which is why our guides are free to all. Some of our guides are written specifically with children in mind or are translated into languages such as Polish, Arabic and Chinese. If you would like to receive any of the guides listed below, please email enquiries@childrenshealthscotland.org and let us know how many printed copies you would like.