Welcome to Day 2 of Bear’s Advent Calendar! Are you ready to #ShareWithBear?
For Day 2, Bear wanted to celebrate our essential Children and Young People’s Health Rights Service! This service is so important because ALL children and young people have rights, no matter who they are, where they live, or what they believe in. So, it’s our mission to make these rights real!
We work in partnership with children and young people, their parents, carers and health professionals so that together we can achieve the best possible health for children, young people and their families. We can help you in lots of different ways including:
- Providing expertise and information
- Our free resources and guides
- Offering 1:1 sessions in schools that promote positive health and wellbeing
- Health-related play sessions
- Dental health play resources and activities
- Training and information sessions
As well as learning lots, our health-related play sessions are lots of fun! We are really looking forwarding to more fun workshops with you in 2023!
Our free resources and guides can help children prepare for health treatments. These include:
- Coping With Needle Guide
- Coping With Pain Guide
- Dental Health Guide
- The GP Service for Children and Young People Guide
- What to Expect When Your Child Goes to Hospital Guide
- Young People in Hospital Guide
- Health Play Materials (get in touch)
Please get in touch if you would like any support, guidance, or information by email or phone. Contact Children’s Health Scotland on:
- enquiries@childrenshealthscotland.org
- 0131 553 655
We hope that everyone can be health rights aware, so please read The EACH Charter for more information. Let us know on Facebook and Twitter which health right is most important to you! #ShareWithBear
Come back tomorrow for Day 3 of our advent calendar to see what else Bear and Children’s Health Scotland got up to in 2022!