Welcome to Day 20 of Bear’s Advent Calendar! Are you ready to #ShareWithBear?
For Day 20, Bear wanted to celebrate another big day this year! Bear was absolutely thrilled to be invited to The Royal Garden Party at the Palace of Holyroodhouse on the 29th June 2022! Hosted by The Earl and Countess of Forfar (as Prince Edward and Sophie are known when in Scotland!), the event recognises people who have made positive contributions to communities in Scotland.
Bear said: “I had a great time with Lisa and Amy meeting lots of people, eating a delicious afternoon tea and admiring all of the beautiful flowers and plants in the summer sunshine! Thank you so much for inviting me along. We all had a wonderful time!”
Let us know on Facebook and Twitter who is the most famous person you have ever met! #ShareWithBear
Come back tomorrow for Day 21 of our advent calendar to see what else Bear and Children’s Health Scotland got up to in 2022!