Welcome to Day 22 of Bear’s Advent Calendar! Are you ready to #ShareWithBear?
For Day 22, Bear wanted to remind us all about something very important! Did you know that all Children and Young People are protected by the EACH (European Association for Children in Hospital) Charter? This sets out ten articles that describe how you can be expected to be treated in hospital, and what your rights are! These are…
EACH Charter Point 1: Young people should only go to hospital when they cannot be cared for at home.
EACH Charter Point 2: Young people should have someone with them for support.
EACH Charter Point 3:Young people can have someone stay overnight with them without cost.
EACH Charter Point 4: Young people have the right to information in a way they can understand.
EACH Charter Point 5: Young people should be listened to and take part in all decisions affecting their health care.
EACH Charter Point 6: Young people should be cared for with other young people with the same needs and not on an adult ward.
EACH Charter Point 7: Young people should have the opportunity for education and recreation and be cared for in surroundings designed to meet their needs.
EACH Charter Point 8: Young people should be cared for by staff trained to understand and meet their physical, emotional and developmental needs.
EACH Charter Point 9: Young people should be provided with continuity of care for as long as required even after their stay in hospital.
EACH Charter Point 10: Young people should be treated with the respect, understanding and privacy they need at all times.
To order some free copies of our EACH Charter booklets and spread the word about children and young people’s healthcare rights, please email us at enquiries@childrenshealthscotland.org
Let us know on Facebook and Twitter how children’s rights help you! #ShareWithBear
Come back tomorrow for Day 23 of our advent calendar to see what else Bear and Children’s Health Scotland got up to in 2022!