Our friend from CBeebies, Rory Crawford, has recorded a very special rendition of Going on a Bear Hunt to help us celebrate International Picnic Day on Thursday 18 June 2020. We will be posting this superb story on our Facebook Page at noon tomorrow so remember to come and join us for this very special reading.
Picnics are great fun for the whole family (and teddy bears) and there are two occasions to celebrate them this month – International Picnic Day on 18 June 2020 and National Picnic Week (22-28 June 2020).
Going on Bear Hunt is a 1989 children’s picture book written by Michael Rosen, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury and published by Walker Books. Following the reading Rory will sing The Teddy Bears Picnic – just to get us all in the mood to start a scrumptious picnic.
So, shake off those blankets, look out those baskets and get ready to go for a picnic. It is a great way to relax, have some fun and, weather permitting, enjoy the sun. However, remember that you don’t need to be outside to enjoy the occasion. Picnics indoors can be just as much fun.
If you do have a picnic please send us some photographs that we can share on our social media channels. You can send them to us in a direct message on our Facebook Page.
#internationalpicnicday #teddybearspicnic #goingonabearhunt