Children’s Health Scotland is proud to support The Promise – a Scottish Government pledge that recognises the ambition of Scotland ‘to be the best place in the world to grow up.’ The Promise pledges that every child should grow up loved, safe, respected, and able to meet their full potential.
As the leading healthcare charity in Scotland, The Promise closely resonates with our work to support the health and wellbeing of children and young people and the families who love and care for them, and we’re committed to keeping it.
Anne Wilson who is Head of our Care Experienced Children and Young People Services is helping us to apply the principles of The Promise across all aspects of our work. Commenting on The Promise, Anne said:
The Promise is a ten-year programme that will run to 2030 which is driving forward changes that matter to children, young people, and those who love and care for them. By embedding it into our work, we’re improving and strengthening our impact, especially around making our services as accessible as possible, listening to the voices of children and young people and those who love and care for them, and ensuring everything we do is underpinned by the right of every child to the best possible health.
We pledge to #KeepThePromise as follows:
- Expertise and information (Family and Scaffolding): As experts in our sector, we will offer support and information on the healthcare needs and rights of children and young people at home, in hospital, and in the community and we promise to deliver all our services in a manner which reflects these needs and rights.
- Voice (Voice): We promise to work in partnership with others to support the health and wellbeing of children and young people. With the support of our children and young people and their families we will act as their voice to promote the universal recognition of their healthcare needs and rights. Through our Family Participation Group, our Professional Advisory Group, our Young Volunteer Group, and our work with children and young people with long-term health conditions, we will listen to their concerns and aspirations and work to drive through the changes which are needed in the design and delivery of our services.
- Improving Life Experiences (Care and Family): We will deliver self-management skills programmes which empower children and young people to better manage their health and wellbeing, learn about their health rights, and increase their confidence and self-esteem. Knowing self-management skills can help children and young people learn more about their health and wellbeing, gain control of their lives, and better manage their health conditions.
- Training and resources (People and Scaffolding): We will support the right of every child to the best possible health and communicate the importance of this through our work. There are often additional complex healthcare issues for children and young people with health conditions or in care, so we will tailor our programmes, training, and workshops accordingly, communicating the importance of the UNCRC and the EACH Charter.
- Health-related Play (Care and Family): We are advocates for health-related play. More than just a chance to have fun, play is serious business when it comes to the health and wellbeing of children and young people and it can help them physically, mentally, and emotionally.
In response to an Independent Care Review of Scotland’s care system, a promise was made by the Scottish Government to every child in Scotland that they could grow up loved, safe and respected. It was called The Promise and through this the Scottish Government has pledged to:
- Consistently embed The Promise across all its policy, legislation and funding interventions.
- Build person-centred services and continue to recognise that care experienced children, young people and families are diverse, and all have different needs.
- Do more to hear the voices of care experienced children, young people, adults and families, making sure they are at the heart of the work it does, and decisions made to Keep The Promise.
- Work with everyone to deliver change at national and local level.
- Deliver transformational change demanded by The Promise, that is expected by children, young people, adults, and families.