A new government campaign has been launched to support parents as research highlights some are unaware their baby’s mental health impacts their early development. The campaign – Start for Life’s ‘if they could tell you’ – aims to support parents in nurturing their bond with their baby, and raise awareness of the link between babies’ good mental health and early childhood development.
The campaign includes easy-to-follow guidance on the Start for Life website and highlights that babies’ expressions, reactions, noises and cries are the way they communicate their needs and feelings to parents which in some cases can be an indication of their mental wellbeing.
A baby’s brain is making one million neural connections every second, making pregnancy and the first 2 years so important for their healthy development. These connections are formed as a result of the interaction between parents and their babies, laying the foundations for their physical and emotional wellbeing, now and in future. Secure relationships with parents and carers positively impacts child development outcomes and reduces the likelihood of mental health difficulties.
Minister for Public Health, Start for Life and Primary Care, Dame Andrea Leadsom, said:
We are committed to giving every baby the best start in life, and promoting that vital secure attachment between babies and their parents in the 1,001 critical days from pregnancy to 2 years old is crucial for their future wellbeing. Speaking with parents across the country, I’ve heard first-hand that they need more support around how to better build those connections. Parents can access a range of support and advice, in person via family hubs and on the Start for Life website. We are also launching new guidance for frontline practitioners, aimed at helping them to start conversations with parents about building their relationship with their baby.
Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dr Jeanelle de Gruchy, said:
A strong, loving connection between parents or carers and their baby can play a significant role in developing the brain and protecting their mental health as they grow up. This campaign will make it easier for parents and carers to interpret the way their baby is communicating with them and understand how best to meet their baby’s needs. Raising a baby is not easy and I hope that new NHS trusted advice provided through the campaign will be a helpful source of information and support to parents and carers. New guidance for frontline practitioners will also help start conversations with parents and carers to explore their relationship with their baby, in order to provide support.
The early years are a crucial time for the development of a child’s brain. Over a third (41%) of parents of under 2s in England are unaware that mental health starts to impact a child’s development before they are 2. While most parents (95%) feel confident in supporting their baby’s emotional and social development, more than two-thirds (73%) of parents in the survey indicated they would welcome support in nurturing their connection with their baby further.
The new survey from Censuswide, which explored parents’ understanding of building a positive connection with their baby, also found that over half (53%) of parents believe that parenting advice they received in their baby’s early life, such as letting the baby ‘cry it out’ (53%) and limiting physical affection (52%) to avoid the baby becoming clingy was outdated, with almost a third (31%) of parents feeling guilty for following this advice when their baby’s cues indicated otherwise.
To find out more about the campaign CLICK HERE.