To read the Spring 2022 magazine, CLICK HERE.
Our Spring 2022 magazine, which is packed full of great news and features, is now available to download or view online. In this edition, we unveil our My Health, My Rights Conference, which will be an extravaganza of ideas, workshops, and exhibitors. The conference will be hosted by Scottish journalist, broadcaster and producer, Catriona Shearer, and will reflect on current research and theory whilst looking at best practice and the rights of children and young people with regards to their health and wellbeing. It will feature six workshops, and guest presentations by Dr William Bird and Dr Suzanne Zeedyk. Tickets for this conference are restricted and sold on a first come, first served basis. CLICK HERE to book your tickets now at the EARLY BIRD price of £68.51 per person.
Pages 10 and 11 feature the much-anticipated return of the Scottish Children’s Health Awards for 2022! There are seven awards once again, including the newly created Lifetime Achievement Award. If you know a child who deserves some special recognition for the great determination they have shown when it might have been so much easier to give up, or a health professional/team whose work is inspirational then please go online and enter now. The awards are easy to enter and FREE.
On pages 4 and 5, Dagmar Kerr, our Area Co-ordinator for Greater Glasgow & Clyde, and Amy Joss from Relax Kids recount their recent Special Smiles dental training which took place online in February 2022. This health-related play training supports a rights-based approach to dental health, so that health professionals can empower children and young people to better look after their teeth whilst adopting good oral health habits.
Five Ways to Wellbeing is a two-page feature on pages 12 and 13 which highlights five lifestyle areas that we can all learn to improve to help us feel good. Researchers at the New Economics Foundation found that incorporating self-care activities in the five core areas can improve your wellbeing. The feature discusses how to connect, be active, take notice, learn, and give in relation to a recent SMS:HUB session with the children and young people.
On page 6 in the magazine, we discuss loss and change for Care Experienced children and young people. Loss and change are an inevitable part of life for everyone, but they can be particularly hard for children to adapt to as they may not be able to articulate their feelings or may not fully understand what is happening. Read more from our Care Experienced Children and Young People Services about how to help children cope with loss and change.
Do you need some Spring inspiration to help your fundraising blossom? To help you along your way, we’ve come up with five seasonal fundraising ideas for you to try out on pages 18 and 19. We’ve also got more information on easy ways to help us fundraise, such as voting for us in the current Asda Green Token Giving campaign and fundraising while you shop by signing up to Amazon Smile and Easy Fundraising. We are also appealing to anyone who is looking for a Charity of the Year for their organisation or business. We would love to be chosen by you!
If you are interested in finding out more about fundraising with Children’s Health Scotland, please drop Esther an email at
To read the Spring 2022 magazine, CLICK HERE.