Every child has the right to the best possible health and from time to time children and young people will experience medical treatments, illness and accidents. As the national voice for health-related issues for children and young people, Children’s Health Scotland produce a range of Guides to support the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
The Guides are FREE to download from the website and it is hoped they answer some of the questions families have in relation to the health and wellbeing of children and young people. They can be used with any other information received from GPs, Nurses, or hospital, and cover six topics which are essential so that children, young people, parents, carers, and families are informed about the right to the best possible health.
Helen Forrest, Chief Executive for Children’s Health Scotland, said:
It is essential that the resources we provide to the children, families, and professionals that we help are kept up-to-date and relevant. Attending medical or dental appointments, or receiving medical treatments can be difficult and stressful for children and young people. The new Guides are colourful and easy to read and it is our hope that they are both reassuring and informative for readers – especially in relation to health rights.
We have guides on topics such as:
- Coping with Pain
- Coping with Needles
- Dental Health
- The GP Service for Children and Young People
- Young People in Hospital
- What to Expect When Your Child Goes to Hospital
Please get in touch if you would like physical copies of any of our CHS Guides by emailing enquiries@childrenshealthscotland.org.