In these unprecedented times, Children’s Health Scotland is still here and open for all children, young people, families and carers who need our help. We have adapted to working remotely and please remember – as an independent organisation (not part of any health board or hospital) – we can give impartial information on any aspect of children’s and young people’s healthcare. This can sometimes involves signposting to other organisations as sources of help.
In light of the Covid-19 situation, we are now developing new ways of staying in touch with children, young people, families and carers and providing support in more creative ways. We are looking at developing new online resources and content, and updates on our work and activities can be found on our social media channels and here on our website.
We are aware that for many of you supporting children and young people with health conditions this is a worrying time. We would always advise that you follow reputable sites such as NHS Inform and Scottish Government advice about how to reduce the risk of catching the infection and would urge everyone to continue to read the latest advice and information. One that you will find on our website which is especially good is Young Scot with live Q and A interviews with Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director.
Parents, carers, professionals, children and young people can still contact Children’s Health Scotland with any health-related enquiry via:
Telephone: 0131 553 6553 (please leave a message for us and we will return your call)
or email:
You can also sign up online to receive regular updates from Children’s Health Scotland or you can follow us on Social Media through Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.