A study by the Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice (CYCJ) has been published by Nuffield Family Justice Observatory relating to English and Welsh children placed in care in Scotland.
CYCJ was asked by the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory to produce a report that focused only on children from England and Wales who were placed in Scottish secure care during 2018 and 2019. The study shows that at any one time around 25 children or more from England and Wales are living in secure care in Scotland, an average of 353 miles away from their homes, family, and friends, suggesting they are the most vulnerable of an already vulnerable group.
The study also highlights that 45% of participants has moved at least six times and over 26% has moved more than 10 times since birth, it was also noted that one child had experienced 36 placements in their lifetime.
The survey also highlighted that due to the high number of placements in Scotland, the systems in England and Wales were struggling to respond to this specific group of children’s needs and more work must be done in order to meet their needs closer to home.
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