Welcome to Day 4 of Bear’s Advent Calendar! Are you ready to #ShareWithBear?
For Day 4, Bear wanted to celebrate our awesome Face-to-Face Self-Management Service (SMS:F2F)!
SMS:F2F is a 6 week programme that runs once a week for 2 hours. We run two separate groups: one for children aged 9-12, and one for young people aged 13-17. We have been running this programme since 2009, supporting children and young people living with health conditions in Edinburgh and the Lothians.
The aim of SMS: F2F is to build confidence and self-esteem, meet others who may be going through similar experiences, learn about health rights, try new relaxation strategies, and access further resources and information from our friendly coaches.
Our next SMS:F2F Programme will begin in January 2023, so please get in touch if you would like to know more! You can self-refer on our website and you don’t need a diagnosis to take part! If you’d like to know more, please speak to a member of the SMS team! For more information please email: sms@childrenshealthscotland.org
Let us know on Facebook and Twitter what your favourite in-person experiences have been in 2022! #ShareWithBear
Come back tomorrow for Day 5 of our advent calendar to see what else Bear and Children’s Health Scotland got up to in 2022!