Welcome to Day 1 of Scottish Children’s Health Week 2022. Today we are celebrating #BeActive Monday and the importance of using PLAY to learn about our health rights. We can all benefit from being active every day and getting involved in health-related play is a great way to do this. So, let’s have some fun and #BeActive!
Today, the SCHW 2022 Activity Book motivates us all to blow giant bubbles, create a scavenger hunt with all the colours of the rainbow, and going outdoors to actively help nature by making a bee hotel. After all, being active isn’t just about feeling stronger, fitter, and more energetic. It’s also about having lots of fun and looking after ourselves and others. In today’s activities, you will also find “12 Things To Do Before You Are Twelve”, the awesome activity which our #BeActive partner, PLAY Scotland , provided. PLAY Scotland is the lead organisation for the development and promotion of children and young people’s play in Scotland.
Dagmar Kerr, Children’s Health Scotland’s Area Co-ordinator for Greater Glasgow & Clyde, said: “For #BeActive Monday, we are promoting the power of play and being active as a way of supporting the health rights of children and young people. Our CYP Health Rights Service embraces Children’s Right to Play as outlined in UNCRC Article31 and EACH Charter Article 7.
“To demonstrate the importance of play, we at the Health Rights Service have created a video which demonstrates the power of PLAY. It contains excerpts of the EACH Charter combined with photos from the health-related play workshops which we deliver to children, young people, families and health professionals throughout the year. The video also tells you how PLAY helps children and young people to learn about their healthcare rights, to feel involved, informed, respected and cared for. We hope you enjoy the video!”
Please contact us to find out how you could #BeActive and take part in of one of our play workshops by emailing enquiries@childrenshealthscotland.org
Learn more about our Children’s Health Rights Service here.
Ready for more PLAY? Head over to our SCHW 2022 Activity Book to find a full week’s worth of fun and play.