Jessica’s X-Ray
The Surgery Book: For Kids
Maisy Goes to the Hospital
Topsy and Tim go to Hospital
Health-related Play Boxes
For many years Children’s Health Scotland has promoted play as a way to help children cope with trauma and distressing experiences and so we developed a Health-related Play Box resource which can be used to prepare children for a visit to the hospital. It contains items such as stethoscopes, doctor’s and nurse’s uniform, X-rays, etc […]
Young People in Hospital
This guide aims to help young people prepare for a hospital visit and answer some of the questions they may have. It also points them to other sources of help and information. You can listen to this guide in MP3 format here: CLICK HERE to download the Young People in Hospital Guide
What to expect when a child goes to hospital
This guide will answer some of the questions families may have when a child goes to hospital. It aims to provide information to help them cope better with an unknown or worrying situation. CLICK HERE to download the What to expect when your child goes to hospital guide An audio version of this guide is […]