To read the Spring 2023 Magazine, CLICK HERE.
The Spring edition of the Children’s Health Scotland magazine is now available to view online. So, get comfy and enjoy!
Our Children and Young People Health and Wellbeing Services (CYPHWS) has kicked off 2023 by helping to make so many magical memories… and it’s only March! Read about Lidl on Ice, where two of the young people we supported got to go ice skating in Edinburgh. Find out about all the amazing organisations who partnered with us for our first Self-Management Skills (SMS) Face-to-Face (F2F) Programmes of the Year. Have a go at one of the activities we share with the children and young people we support: Jars of Joy. We hope you will make your own Jar of Joy and notice the improvements it can make your own wellbeing. All of these great articles can be found on pages 4 to 11.
Nominations for the Scottish Children’s Health Awards are open NOW. If you know someone special who deserves to be recognised with an exclusive teddy award, then tell us before Friday 14 July 2023. We have six award categories which you can read more about on pages 12 and 13.
We know times are tough right now with rising costs, but there is help available. Please read pages 14 and 15 for more information on benefits and grants you may be entitled to, including Five Family Payments from Social Security Scotland.
How can we create an environment centred around children’s rights? Staff and associated partners at the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow have been praised for their commitment to this goal. Read more on pages 16 and 17. Furthermore, we have guest writer and Youth Navigator Regional Supervisor, Ian Gilmour, who discusses the role and aims of the Youth Navigator service. Learn more about treating young people with respect, listening to them, and encouraging them to participate in decisions on pages 18 and 19.
In February 2023, Anne Wilson and Sarah Nelson from our Care Experienced Children and Young People Services (CECYPS) delivered a workshop in partnership with Big Hearts and the Kinship Care Advice Service for Scotland (KCASS). Read more about the workshop “Understanding Trauma” on pages 20 and 21.
Could 2023 be your opportunity to do something completely new for charity? We’ve all heard the phrase “do good, feel good”. Well, it’s true! One of the Five Ways to Wellbeing includes giving to others because it can have a powerful effect on our own wellbeing. We have created a guide to how you can use the Five Ways to Wellbeing to not only improve your own wellbeing, but also to improve the wellbeing of children and young people. Learn how on pages 22 and 23.
Become a Friend of Children’s Health Scotland with a donation of £10. As a Friend, you will help us to support the children, young people, families, and carers who need us most. You will also receive a welcome pack, regular updates and new resources, and invitations to our events. You can find the form on the back page of this magazine, or HERE.