British Society for Disability and Oral Health
Child Dental Surgical Services in Scotland
This reports on a one year survey into what preparation is carried out for children and young people undergoing surgical dental treatment in hospital. Child Dental Surgical Services in Scotland report (108 kB)
Dental Care for Children and Young People
Every child has the right to the best possible health. This guide is focused on helping you and your child prepare for dental treatment. Remember, we are here to help. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD the Dental Care guide for children and Young People.
EACH Charter
EACH – European Association for Children in Hospital – is an international umbrella organisation open to European non-governmental, non-profit associations involved in the welfare of children in hospital and other healthcare services. In 1988 EACH memb Read more…
Going to the Dentist
Going to the Dentist (First Experiences)
Oral Health Foundation
Peppa Pig: Dentist Trip
Preparing for Dental Treatment
This Guide is also available in Simplified Chinese: Preparing your child for dental treatment – Simplified Chinese (92 kB) An audio version of this leaflet is available. Listen to ‘Preparing for Dental Treatment’: Read more…
Scottish Dental
Special Smiles Dental Play™ Project
First launched in May 2008 in NHS Tayside, the project is based on the need identified during our original Dental Playbox Project for a resource specifically for children with physical disability, sensory or learning impairment. This resource was devel Read more…
Special Smiles Dental Project Evaluation Report 2007-09
Evaluation by Dental Health Services Research Programme, University of Dundee of pilot of 27 Schools in Tayside 2007-09. Special Smiles Dental Project Evaluation Report 2007-09 (3 MB)
Special Smiles Evaluation Report 2012
Describes the work of our Inspiring Scotland funded project working in 17 ASL Schools in Glasgow.
Topsy and Tim go to the Dentist
Visit to the Dentist (My First)
Why do I brush my Teeth?
Children’s Health Scotland has tried to ensure that the content of our website is accurate. Although great care has been taken in compiling and preparing the content, Children’s Health Scotland does not guarantee that the information accessible via our website is accurate, complete or up to date. Equally, we are not able to vouch for the suitability, for individual use, of any external publications, for example book titles, resources etc.