Better Health, Better Care
Hospital Services for Young People in Scotland. Better Health, Better Care report (560 kB)
Child Health Rights – What do you Know: Young parents speak out? The Young Parents Speak Out DVD was made with young parents in Tayside. It gives information to young parents on how to access healthcare for their children and shows them talking about their experiences both positive and ne Read more…
Children’s Health Scotland
This provides information about what we do and what support, advice and information we can give to those caring for children and young people at times of illness. CHS_General_leaflet (162 KB)
Community Play Project 2008-2010 Report
End of project report on pilot carried out in NHS Forth Valley which provided specialist play input in a community or home setting to children and young people receiving specialist treatment at tertiary centres. Community Play Project Report (987 kB)
Doctor (People who help us)
EACH Charter
EACH – European Association for Children in Hospital – is an international umbrella organisation open to European non-governmental, non-profit associations involved in the welfare of children in hospital and other healthcare services. In 1988 EACH memb Read more…
Freddie and the Fairy
On hearing loss
Going to the Doctor (First Experiences with Biff, Chip and Kipper)
Going to the Doctor (First Experiences)
Going to the Hospital (First Experiences)
Going to the Optician (First Experiences with Biff, Chip and Kipper)
Goodbye Tonsils
Health-related Play Boxes
For many years Children’s Health Scotland has promoted play as a way to help children cope with trauma and distressing experiences and so we developed a Health-related Play Box resource which can be used to prepare children for a visit to the hospital. Read more…
Help in Tayside for You and Your Baby
Information about useful organisations and websites, health information advice for young parents. Although focused on Tayside, it is relevant for all young parents. An audio version of this Guide is available. Listen to ‘Help in Tayside for You and You Read more…
Helping children cope with needles
Information for parents and carers to help them support their children with anxiety or fear around immunisation injections and injections provided as part of medical treatment. CLICK HERE to download our Coping with Needles Guide
Hospital (First Time)
I Can’t Hear Like You
It’s Called Deafness
Jacob’s Eye Patch
Jessica’s X-Ray
Children’s Health Scotland has tried to ensure that the content of our website is accurate. Although great care has been taken in compiling and preparing the content, Children’s Health Scotland does not guarantee that the information accessible via our website is accurate, complete or up to date. Equally, we are not able to vouch for the suitability, for individual use, of any external publications, for example book titles, resources etc.