Diabetes UK
Doctor (People who help us)
Don’t Call me Special – a first look at disability
Down’s Syndrome Scotland
EACH Charter
EACH – European Association for Children in Hospital – is an international umbrella organisation open to European non-governmental, non-profit associations involved in the welfare of children in hospital and other healthcare services. In 1988 EACH memb Read more…
EACH Poster
This A3 poster illustrates the ten rights of children in hospital and should be read in conjunction with the EACH Charter. View the EACH Poster (338 kB)
Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity
Education Scotland
Education Scotland
National body for supporting quality and improvement in learning and teaching.
Epilepsy Scotland
Equally Well Review 2010
Report by the Ministerial Task Force on implementing Equally Well, the Early Years Framework and Achieving Our Potential. Equally Well report (515 kB)
European Association for Children in Hospital Charter (EACH)
A5 booklet of the EACH Charter and Annotations. EACH Charter (8 MB)
European Association for the Welfare of Children in Hospital (EACH)
Even Little Kids get Diabetes
Family Fund
Family Fund is the UK’s largest charity that provides grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people.
First Place
a book to help children with speech problems
Food Allergies and Me
Forgotten children: addressing the health needs of looked after children and young people
The Residential Care Health Project, NHS Lothian 2004 ISBN 0-9546292-0-5
Freddie and the Fairy
On hearing loss
Children’s Health Scotland has tried to ensure that the content of our website is accurate. Although great care has been taken in compiling and preparing the content, Children’s Health Scotland does not guarantee that the information accessible via our website is accurate, complete or up to date. Equally, we are not able to vouch for the suitability, for individual use, of any external publications, for example book titles, resources etc.