To read the Autumn 2022 CHS Magazine, CLICK HERE. The bumper Autumn edition of the CHS magazine is now available to view online. The Autumn magazine is packed full of great stories, such as celebrating the seven winners of the Scottish Children’s Health Awards 2022 and remembering the fun we all had for Scottish Children’s […]
Scottish Children's Health Week 2022
#BeHelpful Sunday – Let’s Thank Everyone who Supports Us
It’s the final day of Scottish Children’s Health Week 2022! We hope everyone has had fun with #SCHW22 Activity Book and learned more throughout the week about the services and help that Children’s Health Scotland provides every day.
#BeKind Saturday – Let’s Appreciate the Kindness of Foster and Kinship Carers
Welcome to Day 6 of Scottish Children’s Health Week 2022! this penultimate day is #BeKind Saturday. Kindness is about choosing to do something that helps others or yourself, motivated by genuine warm feelings. How can you show kindness to those around you – big and small?
#BeHappy Thursday – Let’s go to School and Share the Happiness
Welcome to Day 4 of Scottish Children’s Health Week 2022! Thursday’s theme is #BeHappy. Being happy is not just about feeling good, but also about emotional health and wellbeing and being able to make the most of the good times to cope with the bad ones. Our Activity Book promoted three happiness ideas which were: […]
#BeActive Monday – Let’s Actively Learn about Children’s Health Rights!
Welcome to Day 1 of Scottish Children’s Health Week 2022. Today we are celebrating #BeActive Monday and the importance of using PLAY to learn about our health rights. We can all benefit from being active every day and getting involved in health-related play is a great way to do this. So, let’s have some fun […]
#BeFriendly for the 2022 International Day of Friendship
30th July is the International Day of Friendship, an annual opportunity to recognise the importance of our friends! Relationships and feeling connected to other people are one of the most important ways to positive mental health and emotional wellbeing. One of the best ways to stay connected to people is through our friends, so make […]