Welcome to the first day of Scottish Children’s Health Week 2021! It’s #BEACTIVE Monday which means the aim of today is to get moving to help our physical and mental wellbeing. In the SCHW21 Activity Book, you can find four great ideas for how to move more no matter what your ability level is, including […]
SMS:CONNECT shortlisted for a national award
We are delighted to announce that our SMS:CONNECT Programme has been shortlisted for the Digital Innovator Self-Management Award – a national award that is organised by The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE). Winners will be announced during the ALLIANCE Self-Management Week on Wednesday 27 September.
SMS:CONNECT Service receive £56,000 funding from the ALLIANCE Self-Management Fund
We are thrilled that our SMS:CONNECT Service has received £56,000 funding from the Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland Self-Management Fund .
Hollie speaks to CHS about Mental Health for Time to Talk Day 2021
Time to Talk Day 2021 is all about celebrating the power of small actions that make a big difference. This awareness day was hosted by the charity Time to Change, and took place on Thursday 4th February, with the aim of encouraging people to start conversations about mental health in order help to end the […]
Children’s Health Scotland Joins the Co-op Payout Celebration!
This week Children’s Health Scotland are very grateful to be a part of the Co-op Payout Celebration, as we receive a HUGE donation of £1508.58 from the Co-op Local Community Fund.
SMS:CONNECT is a FREE online Self-Management Programme for children and young people with health conditions. The programme is delivered over a six week period with two one hour sessions per week. They run throughout the year and we have two distinct Programmes: one is for children aged 9-12, and the other for young people aged […]