At our conference we asked ‘how do we overcome the challenges to equality in child health services?’. We gathered a host of speakers undertaking some of this work, they set out what they do, and why they do it. Professor Steve Turner, RCPCH Officer for Scotland, the event chair, took up Dr Catherine Calderwood, Chief Medical Officer’s challenge, urging everyone to lead on best practice.
View and hear the presentations below. Please note that not all have presentations:
How we can reduce health inequalities for children and families; Realistic Medicine and how it supports child healthcare in Scotland: Dr Catherine Calderwood, Chief Medical Officer. Includes Conference Introduction by Professor Richard Olver (Children’s Health Scotland Chairperson), and the event chairperson Dr Steve Turner RCPCH Officer for Scotland
- GP services and deprivation: Deep End GP: Dr Anne Mullin, Govan Health Centre, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde.
- End of life care for neonates: Evelyn Rodger, Diana Nurse, NHS Lothian.
- Disabled children and young people: Frank McKillop, Policy and Research Officer, Enable.
- Refugees/Asylum Seekers: Ann Forsyth, Service Manager of the Asylum Health Bridging Team in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde.
- Children and Young People at risk of entering care: Jim Carle, Executive Director, Social Work and Health, Kibble Education and Care Centre.
Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Levelling the playing field– finding the hidden children: Prof Helen Minnis, Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Glasgow University. Audio.
Approaches and Challenges in addressing children and young people’s health and emotional wellbeing:
- Juliet McCann: Service Leader, Additional Support for Learning, Edinburgh City Council.
- Russell Brown: Principal Teacher of Pupil Care and Support, Carnoustie High School.
- Margaret McEwan: Health Play Specialist, NHS Lothian.
- Thomas McEachan: Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYP) Glasgow Pollok (Trustee with portfolio for Projects and Campaigns) and Chloé Robertson: Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYP) Cunninghame South (and Convener of the Health and Wellbeing Subject Committee.
How we ensure children and young people’s rights are not overlooked in adult services.
- Jean A Davies: Clinical Nurse Manager, Paediatrics, Children and Young People, NHS Ayrshire & Arran. Developing a pathway for Young People who are cared for in adult settings.
- Helen Bauld: Parent experience of young person going through transitions.
- Tuscany McKenzie: Transitioning to adult services;perspectives of a young person with a long term condition.
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